Nightmare attended Something Independent's first annual Snowsports Entrepreneur of the year award last night down in the flatlands of Denver. Battery 621 as well as a large group of other businesses hosted this event and it turned into a really awesome time for all.
After dreaming up and shooting a 90 second video last month we were excited to see some videos from the other entrants as well as rub shoulders with some people that we felt were doing their part to change the snow sports industry. At the end of the night, 4 finalists were announced and nightmare was not among them. We were all stoked anyway, stoked to be printed within the program, stoked to have a display at the event, stoked that we had so much energy and enthusiasm. We were also stoked with the companies that were chosen, truly great Colorado entrepreneurs doing some radical things in the industry. Each final contestant had something unique and special to contribute, and in our opinion, some more than others. Folsom Custom skis has been a pioneer of custom skis for many many years now, his manufacturing facility is located in Boulder and they do everything in house to ensure quality and style. Loki gear was pioneered in Grand Junction and they are breaking all the rules when it comes to outerwear. you really have to see this stuff to understand why its so rad. Condorcam is an upstart with some incredible ideas, a cablecam that is remote controlled, allowing heli style shots without all the rocket fuel (and cash) . Flylow gear has been around for some time, they make sturdy outerwear with a pleasing color palate. Those 4 finalists got to talk a little more about their ideas before the judges made their decision. However the conversation being "judged" was less about the journey of a "risk taking" entreprenuer and more about managing/marketing strategies. The only question that stood out was "Why choose your company over the rest in your market?". This was the most obvious question and one would have thought to be the most anticipated, however the answers were not impressive. They did not hold true to the spirit that set the stage when governor Hickenlooper addressed the group.
We saw this as another opportunity in our journey. We met a ton of other entrepreneurs, everyone had great ideas and has been hard at work trying to break into this game. We look forward to "growing up" with this family of business leaders and developing solid roots here in the state of Colorado. There was also free beer and pizza. just our style.
Flylow gear ended up with the prize for the first annual SI Entrepreneur of the year award. Their booth happened to be loated next to ours for the evening.
The nightmare crew was disappointed, not because we didnt win, but because there were at least 3 more deserving businesses that demonstrated all the qualities that the judges were looking for. they had passion, ingenuity, and integrity.
They are all businesses that are not planning on moving out of the state of Colorado and manufacturing their gear as cheaply as possible overseas in China. Flylow told us last night that they are doing both.
We want to make some promises right now, these are promises that we made to ourselves years ago when our journey began, but its time to put them in writing so that we can be held to them:
Nightmare will be a transparent company (no secrets, no lies, our products and process speak for themselves)
Nightmare will always be owned and run by snowboarders (yes, dirty, mostly broke snowboarders)
Nightmare will always preserve American Labor and Economy
Nightmare products will always be manufactured in the USA, with as many American made materials as we can source
Nightmare will always have presence in Colorado (there is a reason we started here and it is not related to costs)
Nightmare will do everything 100% no surrender/no apologies.
support the HOSTILE CORPORATE TAKEOVER as we take back our sport, our pastime, our life.