summit county is a revolving door of humans, similar to a college town, disneyland, and the frozen arctic tundra. people show up in our lives for a couple seasons then head back "home" like they were on a several month or year vacation. these people are first to call themselves locals, and the last to leave a positive impact on summit county. we have been friends with countless vacationers and some were more important than others, but in reality they all move away, we are here to stay.
then there are the real locals, who have been here for far too long, who know everyone and everything about the county. these are the people that we are stoked to meet and do work with. these people call summit their home year round and are in on the huge joke.
Joe Lock and Key is exactly one of those locals, weather he is showing up to hang, skate, work, or just killin time between appointments, we appreciate his company.
thats why he gets a super rad snowboard to advertise and shred. thanks joe, for keeping summit county real!
oh and if you ever need keys, locks, or anything of that nature we endorse joe fully. call him up 24hrs at: 855-855-5397